
The Shadow of Success:

Navigating the Depths for a Legacy of Real Worth


What's Included...

THE WORKSHOP: an eye-opening expedition into the heart of your business soul. We’re going to rip off the 'success' label and see what’s really bubbling underneath.

(my dream is you're going to at minimum tear up because you feel so damn seen. my audacious goal is to have you bringing this to therapy next week).

it's all killer, no filler. promise.

Plus, the Q&A after my teaching? it's 🔥🔥🔥 --my students go deep, giving you a chance to learn from their vulnerability. Speaking of which...


Redefining Success: Let's face it, success isn’t just about hitting targets and high-fiving yourself to sleep. We'll unravel how you've been defining success and why it might be tripping you up.

Finding Safety in the Tornado of Overwhelm: Too many 'should-dos' and not enough 'want-tos'? We’re going to sort that shit out and set you up to not replicate it six weeks from now.

The Sand Tray of Business: Get ready to play in the sandbox of your unconscious. It's about making the unseen seen and turning your business into a canvas for creativity, not just a spreadsheet of frustrated dreams.


A Rekindled Curiosity: you'll apply a 'curiosity-first' mindset to how you think about your business. We're going to channel my toddler, and keeping asking why until we hit rhodium. (Okay. Yes, twist my arm. There will in fact be journaling prompts.)

A Plan to Unpack: you'll develop strategies to recognize and healthily satisfy your attachment hunger, ensuring it fuels rather than hinders your business growth. Plus, plenty of actionable strategies how you can stay grounded in your own humanity (vs. the machine you turn into when scarcity nips at your heals).

An Immeasurable Sense of 'Holy Shit, Really?': we're working to shift you from grabbing control to reaching for creativity (seriously, you're going to be talking about this workshop in therapy). Bonus--I'm sharing some of my favorite ways to move from micromanaging to visionary creativity genius.


Four shadow-work-for-business exercises where I walk you through how to use consult your unconscious to build the business of your dreams <no pun intended>

A straight-talking video guide through the whole Attunement Distilled experience.

First dibs on joining STRATEGY: The Course – it's like this workshop, but on steroids (the legal kind).

Total Value: $1,000
Regular Price: $300

Today's Price: $147


Jenn continually impresses me with her thoughtfulness, keen intelligence, and ability to apply both her spiritual and academic talents to being a highly successful private practice therapist.

Her ability to extract and communicate the deeper meaning of our work, combined with her natural business sense, gives her a unique skillset to share with those of us who struggle to talk confidently and clearly about what we do.

Linzy Bonham, Founder of Money Nuts & Bolts