Client Centered (2) (1) (1) (1) (1)

What's Included

THE COURSE: Create Your $100K Therapy Directory Profile (Value $12,000)

Core Curriculum: (value $8,000)

Extra Credit: (value $4,000)

THE COMMUNITY: (Value $20,000)

Group Marketing Consultation: (value $12,000)

Copywriting Resources: (value $4,000)

Connection & Community: (value $4,000)

THE CONSULTATION: (Value Priceless)

Live Access to Jenn Fredette

Total Value: $32,000
Regular Price: $14,997

Today's Price: $3000

payment plans available


Jenn continually impresses me with her thoughtfulness, keen intelligence, and ability to apply both her spiritual and academic talents to being a highly successful private practice therapist.

Her ability to extract and communicate the deeper meaning of our work, combined with her natural business sense, gives her a unique skillset to share with those of us who struggle to talk confidently and clearly about what we do.

Linzy Bonham, Founder of Money Nuts & Bolts