
Build a Client-Centered Strategy to Fill Your Caseload

Master the Art of Marketing Like a Therapist

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A therapist’s life is full of chairs.

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Like the dinner table chair that sat in your childhood home...

...where you were served meals of hidden meanings and casual invalidation. You’ve always wanted to understand the unspoken. And let’s be frank, if the DSM was a card game, your family would be a royal flush.

But you’ve never had a poker face, only a heart that bled for every abandoned puppy at the pound. You journaled religiously, seeking to make sense of what it was you really felt, underneath all the polite niceness required of you.

A therapist’s life is full of chairs…

Like the minimally-padded chairs that populated your grad school...

Gray and inflexible, they sculpted your body as surely as your professors’ aimed to sharp your skill.

You took copious notes about what a therapist ought to be, now buried away in a stacks of partially used college-ruled notebooks. You don’t forget the oaths you took–the promise to be who you once needed is tattooed on your heart in a kind of sacred ink, as surely as your student loans are signed in your blood.


A therapist’s life is full of chairs…

Like the bought-in-bulk, office chairs at your first agency job, fresh out of grad school.

Ready to pay your dues, you eagerly soaked up everything. You carried your caseload home with you, tucked literally and metaphorically into your backpack. Friday evenings reserved for The Great British Baking Off and catching up on the never-ending backlog of notes and treatment plans.

You followed all the rules and supposed became a shining success.

And all you’ve gotten in return is burnout you pretend not to feel, a laughably small cost-of-living pay increase, and the nagging sensation that you’re trapped in some repetition compulsion bullshit.

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Back in those profoundly uncomfortable chairs in grad school...

You used to dream of having your own practice …


…about an office that felt as safe as it is beautiful, a sanctuary to explore the mysteries of the psyche.

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…about the clients who would delight you with their curiosity and vulnerability, willing to invest heart and wallet to do the hard work of therapy.


…about work that wouldn’t just transform the individual client, but had the power to change the world–in quietly dramatic ways.

The chair in that office would hold you unlike any chair that came before.

Maybe you’d get it custom designed–built to suit you and what you need.

A therapist’s life is full of chairs…

Like the reasonably priced armchair you bought from Wayfair.

The fantasy had been that it would be your reading chair, but mostly, it just serves as your ‘how the hell am I actually going to build a private practice’ chair.

Because if you’re ever going to have that dream, you know that you’re going to have to figure out this marketing thing.

No matter where you turn, it seems obvious that what is required of you is to write–ideally your Psychology Today profile, and then on to your website–yet every time you sit down to write, you feel like the words run away and take all your hope and nascent dreams with them.


The real kicker?

You love to write


You’ve spent your whole life detailing heartbreak in excruciating detail–

in your adolescent journals with the ink bleeding from your tears and burgeoning depth.

in grad school’s reflection papers with the double spaced pages, articulating your history of trauma in 12 point New Times Roman.

in the casenotes where you distill clients’ pain into a handful of sentences, writing what feels like the liner notes for the psyche’s album of greatest hits.

But when it comes to writing your marketing materials.

That shit trips you up.

The problem is you’re so caught up in the desire to do “marketing right” that you’re missing the secret that all great artists know:

The rules were always meant to be broken.

You don’t need another paint-by-numbers private practice marketing strategy course. What you need are the tools and resources to create something beautiful and reflective of who you are–underneath all your credentials and the clinical persona.

Are you ready to discover how to build the practice of your dreams without sacrificing your depth?

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Introducing the Class We All Agree

We Needed in Grad School…

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Whether your caseload is non-existent or your current schedule gives you the Sunday scaries

Client Centered Marketing is tailor-made for the depth psychotherapist ready to embrace more-–ease, money, and clinical satisfaction.


Discover how writing your marketing materials can be one of the most enjoyable parts of building your practice

Embrace the beauty of advertising, ensuring every time you tweak your therapy profile you know that it’ll bring in your right fit clients

Stop working with clients who can’t take in what you have to offer and you know would be better served by another therapist

Community: Connect with like-minded therapists

Work with a marketing consultant who gets you and challenges you to build your business by showing up as you

Create a reliable marketing strategy that makes more space for ease so the only block to relaxing is your own unworked through trauma responses

You’ll go from overwhelmed and isolated to held, challenged, and celebrated

(plus, you’ll learn how to write a therapy directory profile that will make your next client feel profoundly and wonderfully seen, and ready to book your next available consult ASAP).


I have to warn you - Jenn is a bit of a pied piper when it comes to writing. You will fall in love with it again.

You will write better than you did in grad school but unlike grad school you will actually use what you write. There’s a texture to the work that spills into your practice, you end up with a clearer vision of who you are as clinician and the why.

Kimberly Perlin, LCSW-C

lifetime access to…


The copywriting course for psychotherapists who are ready to market with depth and draw in a full caseload of right fit clients.

Ready to crack open the syllabus and see what’s inside? Let’s dig in…

Class 5
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Class 5

class one

Advertising 101

Get Grounded in How You Spend Your Marketing Dollars

You’ll learn why understanding your return on investment (ROI) is vital when you contemplate how to invest in your practice.

You’ll walk away with:

A simple method for calculating your ROI for every marketing action you take.

Class 2

class two

Claim Your Audience

Tap Into Your Intuition to Name Your Right Fit Client

You’ll dive deep into who your right fit client is, drawing on your well-honed intuition about what it is they most need to hear from you.

You’ll walk away with:

Your right fit client, drawing on your clinical insight to articulate their struggles outside of therapy jargon

Class 3

class three

Write Your Profile

Kick Your Writer’s Block to the Curb

You’ll be introduced to my favorite copywriting container which will allow you plenty of space to play with what your right fit client really needs to hear.

You’ll get:

my customizable writing templates for five of the most popular therapy directories (including video scripts and captions!) along with real life examples of copy that converts.

Class 4

class four

Hone Your Profile

Discover How to Say More with Less

In this module, you’ll learn how to edit without censoring the soul out of your writing (and you’ll discover my five favorite quick and easy editing steps).

You’ll get access:

to my comprehensive checklist of ALL the things you need to do to refine and optimize your profile

Class 5

class five

Stay Consistent

Embrace the Data So You Can Amplify Your Results

In this class, you’ll explore how you can evaluate what is and isn’t working, so your profile will regularly generate new consult requests for you.

You’ll come away:

with a simple plan to optimize your profile in 30 minutes or less a month.

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extra credit

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Advertising Ethos

Choose Your Advertising Ethos

Craft Your Marketing Code of Ethics

You’ll have the opportunity to articulate and expand upon how your ethical code and personal needs shape your marketing decisions, including which therapy directory you decide to invest in.

You’ll create a concrete plan of how to infuse your values with your marketing needs.

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Convert the Client

Hold the Frame & Convert the Client

How to Nail the Consult Call

In this bonus, you’ll learn how to hold your boundaries on the consult call so you only schedule with your right fit clients who can afford your fee and insight, and who know that really good therapy is never convenient.

You’ll craft your custom consult script and get clear about your practice boundaries.

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Strategy for Group Practice

Strategy for Group Practice Owners

Advertise Your Associates Without Breaking the Bank

In this bonus, we explore three potential pathways to follow in using therapy directory profiles to market your group practice. Each path works whether you have one associate or thirty.

You’ll walk away with a concrete plan to market your practice as a whole, while also ensuring your associates fill up their caseload with right fit clients.

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Headshots 101

Headshots 101

A Good Headshot is Worth at Least Two Hundred Words

In this bonus, you’ll get all my tips and techniques to be able to go out there and get the headshots you need–whether you decide to hire a fancy brand photographer or you rope your friend with a fancy camera (or the latest iPhone) to take photos of you.

You’ll be ready to reveal your kindest side to the camera, and how to be kind to yourself no matter how the photos turn out.

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Video 101

Video 101

Banish Your Fear and Press Record

In this bonus, you’ll focus on easing your fears by gathering the things you need to know and do to create a video that speaks across time and space to your right fit client–without spending too much time doing so.

You’ll discover how to tap into your confidence and show up as authentically on video as you do in session.

Working with Jenn helped me gain more clarity about who I am and validity about who I am as a person, as a therapist, and that those don’t feel so separate anymore.

Jenn is very genuine. Doesn’t feel superficial at all. Doesn't feel salesy. She really wants to help you and she really cares.

Maggie Evans, MA LMHC, ATR-B, Owner of Spokane Art Therapy


The Distillery

The copywriting community for psychotherapists who long to reclaim the voice buried long ago and practice using it to build a clinically and financially abundant business.

As a student of Client Centered Marketing, you’ll gain two months of access to The Distillery (with the option to stay and renew your membership).

You’ll connect with like-minded healers–including Jenn and her team–who will hold and challenge you to expand beyond what you thought was possible.

Curious what it all entails? Let’s peek behind the curtain…

The Distillery is organized to minimize your anxiety and maximize the opportunity to get support

(even when you struggle to ask for help).

It consists of three core components:

Unlock (1)

Group Consultation

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Copywriting Resources

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The Community

Group Consultation (Value 12,000)

Copy Clinic: Roll up your metaphorical sleeves and work to hone your rough draft into content that converts (all calls are recorded), meets twice a month

Marketing Supervision Group: monthly support to unpack the ways marketing kicks up the shit you though was done and dusted (calls are not recorded), meets once a month (always facilitated by Jenn)

Soulful Strategy: the magical wild card of The Distillery, experts with lived experience show up and challenge us to go deeper in our marketing, clinical practice, and living. (calls are recorded, sales pitches are common), meets once a month

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Copywriting Resources (Value 4,000)

$100K Student Folder: your copywriting trapper keeper–where all the documents you needed are easily accessible and accompanied by step-by-step instructions of how to use them.

Syllabus of Success: what kind of class would this be without a syllabus to outline what to do when? Keep an eye on your inbox, and prepare to have your hand held and challenged to expand your notion of what’s possible.

Swipe File of Shit that Works: think of this as the marketing equivalent of watching seasoned clinicians engage with clients–you’ll be delighted (and maybe a little horrified) by how much of it is profoundly not-perfect.

The Attuned Community (Value 4,000)

Community Consult Room: our digital community (hosted on Circle.so) is organized to minimize your anxiety and maximize the opportunity to get support (even when you struggle to ask for help).

Monthly Sip & Spill the Tea Sessions: where you’ll have the opportunity to just come and hang out–talk about life, wise and unwise business investments, and make some new friends, meets once a month

The Master Referral List: a place to list who and what you specialize in working with AND find depth oriented therapists to refer to. Launching Q2 2023

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Jenn helped me represent myself without changing my theoretical orientation or making promises that felt inauthentic.

She helped me to see I could speak to my ideal client in a human way that was poetic and earnest about the work I do without the clinical jargon getting in the way.

I stand out in my marketing with my direct and honest voice calling forth the clients who will benefit the most from working with me, which is exactly what I wanted to build my dream practice. Jenn is beyond helpful and has a talent for crafting expression in a way that will illuminate your work as a therapist.

Holly Anderson LCMFT, LMFT

a personal introduction to…

Jenn Fredette

LPC, MA, M.Div

The copywriting partner for psychotherapists who need attuned marketing guidance, an occasional kind ass kicking, and someone who understands the logistical and emotional challenges of marketing like a therapist.

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Sometimes we undersell the power of our presence–It’s easy to get stuck in the old story that we have to do/perform/serve in order for people to want to spend time with us.

Okay. Let’s be real. I get stuck in that narrative, sometimes on the daily. And as I write this sales page, I’m tempted to stuff this section full of redundant benefits, to try to wow you with how helpful I’m going to be.

But that would be an evasion–on my part, and in a strange way, on your part too.

I want to connect with you. Not the uber competent, kickass therapist part of you who really wants to know how to market with minimal effort and maximum success. The real you, underneath all the essential and extraneous artifice.

And I want to help the core of you market your practice–to discover what it looks like for you to be well-resourced, so you can know the joy of getting to just be present with clients, rather than caught up in all the ways you ought to be serving them.

After working with Jenn, I was clear on what I needed to add to my copy to make it really shine.

Before working with Jenn, I was struggling to come up with juicy copy for my new niche; she helped me clarify who my ideal client is, and how to find language that really draws her in and leads her to schedule a phone consultation.

Kirstin Carl, LMFT

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THE COURSE: Create Your $100K Therapy Directory Profile (Value $12,000)


Core Curriculum: (Value $8,000)

Advertising 101

Claim Your Audience

Write Your Profile

Hone Your Profile

Stay Consistent

Extra Credit: (Value $4,000)

Choose Your Advertising Ethos

Hold the Frame & Convert the Client

Strategy for Group Practice Owners

Headshots 101

Video 101

THE COMMUNITY: (Value $20,000)


Group Marketing Consultation (Value 12,000)

Copy Clinic

Marketing Supervision Group

Soulful Strategy

(Value 4,000)

$100K Student Folder + Weekly Email Guidance

Swipe File of Shit that Works

Connection & Community (Value 4,000)

Community Platform

Monthly Sip & Spill the Tea Session

The Master Referral List

THE CONSULTANT: (Value, Priceless)


Live Access to Jenn Fredette

Attuned Marketing Guidance

Kind Ass Kicking
(as needed)

Chronic Overdeliverer

Total Value: $32,000+
Regular Price: $1,997

Today’s Price: $497


I highly recommend you avail yourself of the opportunity to learn this language from Jenn, who speaks it better than anyone.

Jenn has actually done what most of us set out to do: She built a thriving business through the power of the internet, making herself heard over the din of therapists scrambling to get established. How did she do it? Jenn knows a language that many of us haven't yet learned or mastered: the language of telling the truth about yourself in a way that is both authentic to the kind of work you want to do and highly resonant with the clients you want to see.

Nick Bognar, LMFT

still on the fence?
Here are the questions I get on repeat…

Truthfully, if you've made it down to the FAQs, there's a good chance you already know whether this program is a good fit for you. But here are a couple other things to consider.

Are you intrigued and excited to infuse your values and your voice into your marketing content? If you'd prefer just to mimic someone else’s profile that seems to work for them, then this course won’t be a good fit.

Do you want to learn how to write content in a way that integrates your depth and clinical insight? If you'd rather just write something and call it done, then this course isn't for you.

Do you want to create content with the aim to convert as many readers into clients as soon as possible, so you can just have a full caseload? Or are you willing to build your caseload a little more slowly so you can ensure that the clients you choose to work with are depth-oriented, committed long-term clients?

If it's the latter, then Client Centered Marketing is most definitely for you.

Well, to be a hundred percent honest, no, I haven’t–I’ve made way, way more than $100K. Last time I calculated it (October 2022), I made $526,175 USD. And that number will continue to grow because I still have 10+ weekly clients who came to me from that profile.

But. That’s neither here nor there. Because how much I made isn’t the question you’re actually asking. If you’ll indulge me, I think you’re less curious about my veracity and more about whether my success is replicable.

If that is true, well, you’d do better to hear from people like Sarah (an amazing UK based therapist who specializes in childhood trauma):

“I'm now full with enquiries still coming in. I frequently get clients who read my profile or website and say 'I read your website and I loved it' or 'I read your profile and I saw myself'.”

Or maybe from Elizabeth (one of the very first students I worked with):

“your copywriting course was literally the best money I have spent on my business in the past three years. It’s been a game changer for my satisfaction and for my leads.”

I think the real question is, can you make $100K plus from a well-honed therapy directory profile? And the answer is: hell, yes–as long as you’re willing to invest the time and energy to show up and do the work.

I gotta admit, as someone who used to revel in the ‘syllabus review’ days of class (because it meant I got to really strategize when and how I was going to do all the reading and assignments that beckoned like an intellectual feast)--I’m digging your enthusiasm.

To answer your question, you’ll have immediate access to the course and community. We meet weekly on Mondays at 1 PM EST (the full calendar is contained within The Distillery community). So you can absolutely dive into it moments after purchasing if you want.

But since you’re hanging out down in the FAQs with me, can I offer a quick suggestion?

No one’s practice is built in a day. I know you may have been at this for longer than feels tolerable, but if there’s one thing I would do differently in building my practice it would have been to pace myself more. So I could enjoy the process more rather than letting my anxiety dictate my boundaries around time and energy.

So here’s my suggestion: reward yourself now for this hard work of choosing to invest in yourself–and go ahead and go to bed early and let yourself daydream about the vacation you’ll take when you start hitting five figure months.

Give yourself the gift of ease–no need to earn it. Crafting your marketing message will wait until tomorrow–I promise.

You have on-going access to this course. Which means that you can come back again and again to work through each part either when you need a refresher.

Should we decide to shut it down or move to another platform, you will be given a minimum of three months’ notice, so you can download all the materials and videos.

Everyone who joins Client Centered Marketing is given two free months in The Distillery (we ask that you join The Distillery within a month of purchasing the course). You have the option to renew your membership in The Distillery for up to four additional months for an additional cost.

First, let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way–I absolutely would have lost my shit about spending this kind of money early on in building my practice.

Everytime I considered investing in myself, it would cue my highly intellectualized shame spiral–”you’re so good at wasting money, why do you need to take another course/buy another book/ hire a consultant–why aren’t you smart enough to figure it out on your own? You spend so frivolously. This really is going to kick you in the ass if you don’t pull back.”

The underlying message always is, “constrict, and avoid expansion at all costs.”

So I tried to do it on my own, and honestly, that cost me so much more in terms of time, energy, and cold hard cash. Turns out my shame’s pseudo-wisdom that “it’s better to do it on your own” had more to do with my trauma history than actually being a viable business building strategy.

It’s hard to invest in yourself, isn’t it? I’m not sure the inner narrative of “you just should do it on your own” ever goes completely away (at least for me, I work on it a LOT in therapy).

All that to say, I really want to honor that this may be more money than you’ve ever spent on any kind of business building program.

If you know it's the right program for you, but you're scared to take the risk, I see you. And I want to challenge you to risk investing in yourself, whether that's by purchasing this course, finally giving yourself Fridays off, or choosing to go to therapy twice a week vs. once.

You're worth the investment. I’m rooting for you to stop skimping on yourself.

Do you remember the last class that challenged you?

It shook up what you thought you knew about yourself. Light rushes into your heart just thinking of it. You were willing to take every course that the teacher taught. Remember the assignments that didn’t just take from you but gave you some wisdom that still stays?

What if there was a class for therapists that could bring that same light to marketing? Where instead of the slog through private practice creation, you are excited about where the course will take you. What would it be like to be in a community that feels the light too? Creation is a light we can so easily put on a shelf only to dusted off when required or on rainy days.

You’ll create in The Distillery, and it’ll be a gift to you as much as your clients.

Kimberly (1)
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Are you ready to embrace a well-resourced practice and life by doing what you do best?

Are you ready to embrace a well-resourced practice and life by doing what you do best?

When you have a marketing path to follow, your people who have your back (and challenge you when you play small), and a partner who gets that growing your practice is about making a difference AND making money—well an incredible thing happens.

You stop having to sit down to work, and instead you can discover the joy of standing up and living out all those unrealized dreams you’d never thought possible.

It’s time to stop stalling in your neurotic fears and to try something new.

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THE COURSE: Create Your $100K Therapy Directory Profile (Value $12,000)


Core Curriculum: (Value $8,000)

Advertising 101

Claim Your Audience

Write Your Profile

Hone Your Profile

Stay Consistent

Extra Credit: (Value $4,000)

Choose Your Advertising Ethos

Hold the Frame & Convert the Client

Strategy for Group Practice Owners

Headshots 101

Video 101

THE COMMUNITY: (Value $20,000)


Group Marketing Consultation (Value 12,000)

Copy Clinic

Marketing Supervision Group

Soulful Strategy

(Value 4,000)

$100K Student Folder + Weekly Email Guidance

Swipe File of Shit that Works

Connection & Community (Value 4,000)

Community Platform

Monthly Sip & Spill the Tea Session

The Master Referral List

THE CONSULTANT: (Value, Priceless)


Live Access to Jenn Fredette

Attuned Marketing Guidance

Kind Ass Kicking
(as needed)

Chronic Overdeliverer

Total Value: $32,000+
Regular Price: $1,997

Today’s Price: $497