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The Distillery

THE Distillery:

The copywriting community for psychotherapists who long to reclaim the voice buried long ago and practice using it to build a clinically and financially abundant business.You’ll connect with like-minded healers–including Jenn and her team–who will hold and challenge you to expand beyond what you thought was possible.

COMMUNITY: 3 months inside the distillery (Value $20,000)

Total Value: $120,000
Regular Price: $1,997

Today's Price: $497

payment plans available


Jenn continually impresses me with her thoughtfulness, keen intelligence, and ability to apply both her spiritual and academic talents to being a highly successful private practice therapist.

Her ability to extract and communicate the deeper meaning of our work, combined with her natural business sense, gives her a unique skillset to share with those of us who struggle to talk confidently and clearly about what we do.

Linzy Bonham, Founder of Money Nuts & Bolts