Client Centered (2) (1) (1) (1) (1)

What's Included

THE COURSE: Create Your $100K Therapy Directory Profile (Value $12,000)

Core Curriculum: (value $8,000)

Extra Credit: (value $4,000)

THE COMMUNITY: (Value $6,000)

Three Months in The Distillery (value $4,000)

Syllabus of Success (value $2,000)

THE CONSULTATION: (Value $25,000)

Weekly Group Coaching Sessions Led by Jenn (Value $24,000)

1 Round of "Red Line" Edits with Jenn (Value $1,000)

MTxP Student Bonuses: (Value $11,000)

Access to the Accountability Session for MTxP in March (Value $2,000)

1:1 Strategy Session (30 minutes) with Jenn (Value $1,000)

Lock-in the 2023 Attunement Distilled priceif you apply (and are accepted) into AD by apply by March 31, 2024. (Value $8,000)

Total Value: $54,000
2024 Price: $3000

Today's Price: $997

payment plans available

Please note, this offer is only valid for 30 days after your live Marketing Treatment Plan workshop.


Jenn continually impresses me with her thoughtfulness, keen intelligence, and ability to apply both her spiritual and academic talents to being a highly successful private practice therapist.

Her ability to extract and communicate the deeper meaning of our work, combined with her natural business sense, gives her a unique skillset to share with those of us who struggle to talk confidently and clearly about what we do.

Linzy Bonham, Founder of Money Nuts & Bolts