What's Included
THE WORKSHOP: elevate your business in 2024 with our 90-minute workshop, where we'll dive into the core elements:
Soul: you'll consider the ways you're unconsciously sabotaging your inevitable success.
Strategy: you'll discover the magic hiding behind the abbreviations MVMF and FMF (and why they're going to change your life way more than the DSM ever did).
Story: you'll nail down the core messaging you need to create in 2024, so you can stop spinning your wheels and start working with your right fit clients.
THE BONUSES: implement what you learned and stay accountable to really taking action in 2024
Marketing Fundamentals Glossary: the reference guide you never knew you needed (and parts of you still wish you didn't know--knowledge after all engenders accountability).
Minimal Viable Marketing Funnel Roadmap: discover the backroads that'll help you bypass the congestion of generic therapist marketing and chart your path to success by being profoundly, delightfully you.
Full Marketing Funnel Blueprint: what, you thought a roadmap was enough? we're not in this for the quick dollar buck, but rather to build you sanctuary in your business, a place you can count on even when storms pound the doors.
Total Value: $3,000
Regular Price: $1500
Today's Price: $300
payment plans available